Rajiv Vij
Life & Executive Coach

Happiness Test

We all want to lead a happy and fulfilling life. That’s our most important and overarching goal through life. However, we don’t have easy ways to measure our happiness or our inner state of being on a regular basis. So, what do we do? We fall into the trap of measuring our progress based on external parameters of progress like career growth, financial success and social status. While they are easier to measure, unfortunately, they are all poor substitutes for our true inner state of being. The below self-assessment questionnaire has been designed to help you become more aware of your current level of happiness. I encourage you to do this test at regular intervals to track your progress on your inner state (which is way more important than your outer state!).

Take the Personal Alchemy Happiness Test
For each of the below 30 questions, please select one of the five options that best describes your situation.

 Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNot SureSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
1. I am proud of myself
2. I am successful in life
3. Life is always getting better for me
4. I am good at most things
5. I am always happy
6. I can easily recover from a bad mood
7. I always bring back bad mood from work
8. I am comfortable being myself with others
9. I am comfortable trusting others
10. I have meaningful friendships
11. I have excellent family harmony
12. I often worry about things
13. I always have time for all the things that are important to me
14. I feel I am part of a greater community
15. I have a clear purpose in my life
16.  I feel my life is on track
17. I am very thankful for what I have
18. I regularly volunteer for social projects
19. If I could relive my life, I would change almost nothing
20.  Life is a meaningful journey
21. I love my work
22. I am fascinated by what life has to offer
23. I have a deep sense of joy
24. I always feel energetic
25. I always sleep well
26. I spend time in a number of creative pursuits (reading, music, art…..)
27. I am always eating healthy
28. I know how to reach my goals in life
29. I enjoy my exercise routine
30. I am always concerned about failure


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