Rajiv Vij
Life & Executive Coach

Personal Mastery

As Edmund Hillary said, “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”

Inspired by similar experiences in his coaching practice, Rajiv believes that the most outstanding individuals and leaders are the ones who know how to manage themselves. Anchored on the elements of self-actualization, in being highly self-aware and well connected with their personal and professional purpose, such individuals are driven by the journey of personal mastery.

Personal mastery is the journey of personal growth – not just in our skills, but more importantly in our understanding of ourselves; about overcoming our fears, insecurities, anxieties, greed and obsessions and instead building courage, authenticity, trust, acceptance and compassion.

It is about recognizing that change is within us and when we change, the world around us changes too. This is a powerful concept that is relevant in all aspects of our existence – our growth as individuals, in our relationships, in organizations and in our society.

Coaching testimonials

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Introducing Inside-Out Leadership

As Edmund Hilary said, ‘It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves’, Rajiv believes the path to outstanding leadership lies in embracing the inner journey of personal […]

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I had just turned 40 and was contemplating the “Next 10 years” of my professional life. Rajiv is a gifted listener, coach and an enabler. Thank you for helping me find myself and a very powerful calling. I continue to work long hours and very hard, but every moment is joyful as I learn and teach, lead and follow – a rich and rewarding life in ways that matter!

Priya Viswanath, former CEO, Charities Aid Foundation, India