Rajiv Vij
Life & Executive Coach


Rajiv is a highly engaging and impactful keynote speaker. He has addressed several leadership, corporate, industry and philanthropic forums. He has inspired corporate professionals at organizations like American Express, Facebook, Google, Mahindras, Nomura, Prudential, Shell and TCS, business leaders at YPO events, and industry members of Chartered Accountants, Commerce and Industry, Human Resources and such associations.

Some of his topics that are most popular with his audiences are:

  • Discovering Your Sweet Spot in Life (not just success, but happiness and meaning too)
  • Discovering Your Sweet Spot – At Work and Beyond (leading others by leading oneself)
  • Creating the Life You Really Want (pathway for experiencing a life of happiness, success, balance, and fulfillment)
  • 9 Life Lessons in 9 Years (key personal lessons learnt in the journey from CEO to Coach)
  • Reinventing Yourself in VUCA Times (powerful insights to thrive in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous times)
  • Managing Change (the journey of change for individuals as organizations pursue transformation)

“Rajiv gave a highly relevant and thought provoking talk, at our global leadership conference, about the personal challenges that executives face in dealing with disruptive change. In his presentation, he skillfully combined intelligent insight with great warmth and empathy, and our demanding audience (made up of many experienced and hard-bitten asset management professionals) was totally engaged in the session. I would recommend him highly as a key speaker.”
~ Gautam Dev, Chief Human Resources Officer, Eastspring Investments (Prudential)

To invite Rajiv to speak at your next leadership conference, please click here

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Introducing Inside-Out Leadership

As Edmund Hilary said, ‘It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves’, Rajiv believes the path to outstanding leadership lies in embracing the inner journey of personal […]

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Post my excellent coaching experience with Rajiv a few years ago, that had a profound impact on how I viewed myself and life around me, I had recently requested Rajiv to address my colleagues at YPO’s Hyderabad Chapter. The audience found Rajiv’s powerful framework, of self-discovery, for finding the sweet spot between success and happiness, extremely engaging and useful.

Vipul Khanna, Global Head – BPO, Cognizant Technology Solutions, and Member, YPO