Rajiv Vij
Life & Executive Coach

Decline in Meaning

In modern society, a number of factors contribute towards individuals leading a less than truly fulfilling life. These emanate on the one hand from dealing with rapid globalization, changes brought by technology, increased competition and volatility of employment and financial markets and on the other from increase in a false sense of individuality, disproportionate focus on visible rewards, and break-down of family and social structures.

The resultant impact is a significant increase in stress related illnesses, emotional challenges, divorce and separation rates, and issues with the youth delinquency.

Similarly, organizations and their employees are today challenged to an unprecedented level. The singular pursuit of shareholder returns, in many cases, has led to a dilution in clarity of purpose and the social mission for which the organization exists. Employees feel pressured to achieve shorter-term goals and can get tempted to pursue narrow personal gains.

Having said that, its eminently possible for individuals and organizations to define and create the existence that they really want.

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Introducing Inside-Out Leadership

As Edmund Hilary said, ‘It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves’, Rajiv believes the path to outstanding leadership lies in embracing the inner journey of personal […]

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I worked with Rajiv for a period of several months in order to achieve three primary goals. I found that I far exceeded my goals, changed vital habits and have become much more effective in my business but especially my life. Our meetings became the highlight of my week and I can’t express enough how impactful the time spent with Rajiv was.

Bobby Harris, President & CEO, BlueGrace Logistics, USA