Rajiv Vij
Life & Executive Coach

The Book: Discovering Your Sweet Spot

As Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

In a society increasingly driven by the manic pursuit of externally visible rewards, Rajiv’s recently released book not only underscores the need for greater purpose in our lives, but also elaborates on the inner journey of self-discovery that can help us create a truly meaningful life. Written by a leading life coach, this book will show you a path for personal transformation that has worked for several others in discovering higher fulfillment, deeper relationships, better balance and greater peace and happiness in their lives. Founded in the belief that skills for being happier can be acquired, the inspirational insights shared in the book will empower you for the rest of your life.

“The profound insights offered in this book will nourish your soul and set you on a life-long path for experiencing deeper happiness. A must-read for anyone seeking answers to the most important questions of life.” 
~ Jennifer Read Hawthorne, co-author, #1 New York Times bestseller Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and The Soul of Success 

Published by Hay House, Discovering Your Sweet Spot is available at Amazon.in and Amazon.com.

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Working with Rajiv was a gift. Professional and structured in his approach; more importantly perhaps, his thoughtfulness around creating space, to practice balance and spiritual connection, proves that he understands what it takes to help individuals perform, and ultimately, lead. I recommend working with Rajiv for anyone encountering questions big or small about accomplishing more with or in their lives.

Molly Alexander, Head of Talent Development, Acumen, USA