I am Whole, Complete and Perfect

I talked in my last post about the ultimate reality that everything in the universe is made from Energy. This Energy has been called different names by different societies – Reiki (Japanese), Chi (Chinese), Ight (Christians), and Prana (Hindus). The same Energy manifests itself in different forms and all beings – the plants, animals and all of us are made from the same Energy. The Buddhist philosophy, well articulated in Thich Nhat Tanh’s various books, brings forth this idea with the example of how the whole universe exists in a leaf – something that Buddha saw during his awakening while meditating under the Pippala tree. The leaf would not exist without sunlight; it would also not exist without clouds as there would be no rain. It would also not exist if there was no tree. In the same way, the earth also existed in the leaf. The Buddha then had the realization that the leaf had always existed – in the sunlight, clouds and the tree; it just manifested itself in a new form, a new combination, originating in time. As one begins to comprehend this further, one realizes that the leaf was never born and could never die. When the leaf wilts and falls to the ground, it contains the knowledge of its own renewal. It knows it will decompose into the soil from which it came, awaiting its next manifestation. So the bud opening is not a birth (but only a new manifestation) and the wilting not a death (but an end of form). And, it’s the same for all of us.

Also, what comes through from this example is that all phenomena and all forms are interdependent and essentially one and the same. The self cannot exist in isolation, away from the rest of the universe.

Further, each one of us already has whatever we need to continue the journey of the universe. It already exists in the universe and as we are an integral part of that whole, in us as well. We just need to accept and it will manifest for us. It’s just that our conditioned minds often do not allow us to accept that reality. Interestingly, our own cells, the cells in our body, live this truth without hesitation. As Deepak Chopra explains in “The book of secrets”, our cells have a higher purpose of working for the whole and are even willing to die for the whole to live. Cells also always work in tandem with other cells, they are always willing to adapt and not get caught up in rigid habits. They recognize each other as equally important and realize their interdependence. The cells use the smallest energy possible and thrive on the trust that they would be provided for. All the same, they know of their sameness from their genetic inheritance – from the common DNA. Finally, their total commitment to giving as their primary activity also makes receiving automatic. Their legacy continues as they reproduce to pass their knowledge, experience, withholding nothing from their off springs.

As we undertake the journey within, we begin to realize how whole, complete, and perfect we are. How everything is working in harmony with nature and in full consciousness. As we begin to believe in our completeness and wholeness, love and joy begins to flood our lives. Once we are convinced about our own wholeness, we start to see everyone around us as whole, complete, and perfect as well. This leap in the area of accepting ourselves as we are and others as they are leads to inner happiness and wonderful relationships.

Several meditation and spiritual practices recommend making use of affirmations in this regard. Affirming “I am whole, complete, and perfect and everyone around me is whole, complete and perfect“, a few times every day, may be a great starting point.

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Self realization /Self Actualization /Alchemy of Nature /Life Philosophy

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