REAP: The Success Mantra For 2021 and Beyond

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out. But when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. ~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Author

What differentiates highly successful people from merely good ones is their ability to shine during times of crisis. I have had the privilege of working with some such individuals. I notice that their key to thriving in uncertain and volatile times is their mastery over their inner self.

It’s not what happens to us during a crisis, but how we respond to it that determines our outcomes. The work we do with strengthening our emotional and mental make-up, sharpening our focus, and acting with purpose improves the quality of our responses. Which in turn positively affects our outcomes and experiences.

The inner work we need to do has to be at all four levels of our being. Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. REAP is an expression of that wholistic work. This work has the power to positively affect all aspects of our life. It can help us be not only more successful at work, but also kinder and loving in our personal relationships, and healthier, happier and more fulfilled.


At the mental level, it’s about building the right mindset. It’s about overcoming our fears and doubts and building confidence, positivity and resilience. Think Rafael Nadal and Virat Kohli. Irrespective of the score on the board, they would always like to believe that they can win. But how do you build the right mindset?

Our mindset is a function of our deep-seated beliefs. These beliefs dictate how we think, feel and act. For example, in the current crisis, if you strongly believe that your life will never be the same again, you are bound to feel anxious and demotivated. If you could only embrace some alternate beliefs, you will feel and act differently.

The belief that other than an exceptionally tragic event, generally no single event, positive or negative, has the ability to alter your life’s trajectory. Even if it seems that way in the moment. (Research shows that the average happiness levels of individuals who won a lottery were marginally higher than those who didn’t; and individuals who had lost a leg in an accident were only slightly less happy over time than others.) Or the belief that learning from setbacks can help you become stronger, resilient and more determined.


At the emotional level, it’s about building an anchor of inner stillness and equanimity. So the volatility and uncertainty around us doesn’t easily affect us. To experience such a state, we need to be more open to possibilities and not be attached to specific outcomes. Whether this crisis will last six months or eighteen; whether you will meet some of your loved ones soon or in a while; or whether you will move into the new house you had planned for this year or not.

MS Dhoni is a great example of this trait. Now, some people are natural at this, but with practice we can all get better at it. What you need to build this is a structured and regular reflective practice. Some quiet time in solitude to connect within. I have personally benefitted a lot from mindfulness meditation. You can consider practicing that, another form of meditation, pranayama, visualisation, positive affirmations or writing a journal.


At the physical dimension, it’s about our focus, proactive prioritisation and agility. Whatever you pay attention to will grow in your life. Focus on exercise and nutrition, you will become healthier; focus on reading new ideas every day, you will become smarter; invest time in meditation and you will become calmer. This is important at all times in our life, but more so in times of crisis. During such times, we usually become reactive and distracted. Instead, we need to take charge and be proactive in where we spend our time and energy.

Highly effective people have this amazing agility to adapt to the changing circumstances. They equally train their sights on the longer-term trends emanating from the crisis. This helps them succeed in the short-term and gives them a head start for the longer-term shifts. They are also self-disciplined in maintaining their personal balance and well-being so they don’t burn out from the crisis.


And at the spiritual level, it’s about connecting with our deepest motivations and a higher purpose. Crisis can be a critical inflexion point in our life. It invites us to reflect on what’s most important to us in life. Whether it’s health, family, happiness or simply to be kind, wise and content. Seeing the sacrifices of health workers and the plight of migrant workers connects us to our compassionate self. We become more grateful for the life we have and empathetic to the pain of others. Aspects of us that always exist within us but often get buried in the busyness of life.

Wiser people harness these emotions and channelize them towards leading a more purposeful life. Towards becoming a better person, a better spouse, a better leader. Reflect on what you really want your life to be about. Do you want to be more successful or do you want to make a more significant contribution towards something meaningful; do you want more material success or greater inner happiness; is it only about your individual progress or also about the welfare of the community around you?

Whatever your pursuits, this new year is a great time to start investing in the self-work and to REAP all the benefits from it.

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4 Responses to “REAP: The Success Mantra For 2021 and Beyond”

  1. Shahrukh says:

    Thanks Rajiv for another practical, simple, incisive blog. You continue to inspire, guide and always leave me more optimistic with each article you write and after our personal meetings. I am blessed to have you as a friend, philosopher and guide.

    Best wishes for a great year ahead,

  2. Parvez Vandrewala says:

    Simple, powerful and precise! As usual!
    Thank you Rajiv for these positive insights!
    Very grateful that i have known you in person, even if it was brief!
    Thank you
    Warm regards

    • Rajiv Vij says:

      Hi Parvez, good to hear from you. Thank you for your kind comments. Hope you are doing well. Best wishes!