This New Year: Whatever Your Goals, Try Practicing This

Shankar, a Chennai-based businessman, was disturbed by his 19-year-old son Arjun’s sudden change in behaviour. Arjun is a bright, driven and hardworking student. At his high school, he was not only one of the top students, but also an accomplished guitarist and a member of the swim team. He was a bit reserved though and felt uncomfortable outside of his circle of close friends.

However, within his first semester at a university in Chicago, he started to feel socially anxious. He was scared of meeting new people and avoided all social events on campus. He began to feel isolated and depressed. His grades started to drop. Uncomfortable with the idea, he avoided discussing about this with his parents. But when he was home during the winter break, his parents started to notice some changes in his behaviour. He would stay in his room till late morning and displayed no interest in music, exercising or even going out – things he previously loved.

When the parents asked him about it, he kind of dismissed it as nothing significant. As the break went by, the parents became more anxious and impatient with his unexplained behaviour. Shankar tried motivating him to get on with things. By the time it was summer break, the parents were beginning to feel helpless. They felt that their son didn’t care about his goals, that he was being irresponsible and would let himself and them down. As they arranged for counselling sessions for him, they continued to cajole him to improve and get back on track.

All along missing the point. That, what Arjun needed most was not advice, but their love – unconditional love. That when someone’s confidence, self-belief and self-worth are on the low, they don’t need motivating speeches; they need acceptance and love. Not feeling judged and instead feeling accepted and loved for who they are (despite their imperfections), by people they care about, is crucial for their healing.

While Shankar has since made amends, we can all improve on our ability to practice unconditional love. We can be mindful of not judging others quickly and instead be more empathetic to their circumstances. Practicing and experiencing unconditional love is the very purpose of human life. It can be the source of greatest energy within us. Such unconditional love requires transcending our ego, attachments, judgmental nature and growing compassion, trust in the universe and belief that all will be well.

We can practice unconditional love for others only if we have learnt to love ourselves unconditionally – accept ourselves for who we are. This does not mean we start believing that we are perfect, we simply recognise that we are unique, complete and whole as we are – and by extension so are others. We can always get better, but then not from a place of deficiency but from a place of completeness.

Key foundation for your goals

Whatever your goals and new year resolutions, you will find practicing unconditional love for yourself and others will support you in your pursuits. Healthy self-love will motivate you to take care of your well-being (read diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, hobbies, less time at work); empathy for your colleagues will raise your effectiveness at work; unconditional love for your family will help you be a better spouse and parent; and compassion for the less privileged will support your greater giving.

Wish you a blessed 2020!

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To learn more about Rajiv's new book, 'Inside-Out Leadership', or to place an order online, please click here.

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17 Responses to “This New Year: Whatever Your Goals, Try Practicing This”

  1. Mani Jain says:

    Very nicely explained. Really important parenting tip!

  2. Smita says:

    Excellent tip ! Conscious love for another human being especially when they are struggling…..

  3. Baldev Raj Jain says:

    Thanks, Rajiv wish you & your family a very happy,healthy and satisfying New year
    Loving unconditionally is arduous task but as said thousand mile journey starts with first step
    Bravo, bash on regardless

  4. Vivek says:

    Very nice advice Rajiv. This is something probably all of us know sub-consciously but seldom practice. As parents we get caught in trying to motivate our kids with advice and probably it only has -ve impact.
    Thanks for the advice – A good reminder.

  5. Raju says:

    It seems like this is the story I lived in 2019 with my own son. Ultimately, after shock, anger, frustration, acceptance and love had to kick in. It just took longer. Thank you for the insight.

  6. Neeloferr says:

    Happy New Year to you and Family! A refreshing article to start the new year with. As beautifully written I am reminded of work required to be done on oneself continuously and consciously. Unconditional love towards self is the hardest thing and if that achieved it, gets more easier to extend to others. Thank you for the pleasant reminder of this concept to practise.

  7. Nikhil Sohoni says:

    Something probably many can connect with. Our ego and our expectations keep us away from that ask of unconditional love. Accept an individual for what he or she is. Love him or her unconditionally. Thank you Rajiv. As always, to the point and precise.

  8. Sai says:

    Dear Rajiv, A very Happy New year to you and your family. A very apt reminder of this golden rule. Is it possible that the definition of Love can vary from person to person and hence I may believe that I am loving unconditionally but the other person feels otherwise?

    • Rajiv Vij says:

      Hi Sai, thank you for your comment. It’s possible that your unconditional love may not always be received as such. However, active communication with the other person is important. This would not only allow you to express your feelings and intent well (which may help them better appreciate your love), but also understand their perspective about love and their expectations from your relationship (which in turn can help you better respond to their needs). Hope this helps!

  9. Dennis Chauhan says:

    Dear Rajiv Happy new year to you and your family. A really good energizer at the beginning of the new year. Thank you for a gentle reminder to love unconditionally.

  10. Laxmikant Gupta says:

    Very nice ssupperrb. Such reminders are necessary. Partly reminded me issues which my son faced in 2012-13.

  11. Lloyd Mathias says:

    Excellent piece. Thank you. Makes so much sense.

  12. TassyM says:

    Timely reminder. Thank you for the excellent post