Nature Doesn’t Rush, Yet Accomplishes Everything: Reflections For The Restless

A committed meditation student was very keen to become a master. He went to a guru and asked him, “How long would it take?” The guru replied: “Ten years.” The student, a bit impatient, was disappointed and queried, “But I want to master it faster than that, I will work very hard, and practice ten or more hours a day if necessary. How long would it then take?” The guru smiled and remarked, “Twenty years.”

We are routinely restless about our future. We want to be sure that we will achieve our desired outcomes. Besides, we are constantly striving for something more satisfying. We wish for more success, recognition, wealth, comfort, love and recognition. Our addiction to smart phones and social media is a reflection of this underlying restlessness.

While some level of restlessness is healthy, in high doses, it drains our focus and energy. In the process, not only are we less effective at whatever we are doing, but also are unable to enjoy the present. Here are three reflective perspectives to address this.

1. Trust the universal intelligence

Nature accomplishes all its results by surrendering to the universal intelligence. This intelligence is not only present within us, but also governs all our vital functions. It runs our digestive, nervous and reproductive systems; manifests our DNA and karmic imprint; and also dictates our cycle of birth and death. In its presence, we are always evolving, as we need to.

However, in our individualistic society, we have a misplaced sense of self-importance. Human mind is a blessing, but also a curse. A powerful mind anxiously wants to shape and bend the flow of the universal intelligence to suit its own wishes. Caught up in its restlessness for more, we become disconnected with the potential of our deeper innate intelligence. When we learn to trust that intelligence and believe that the way our life is evolving is for our highest good, we are more productive and feel more at peace.

2. Discover the right potential

One of the key reasons for our restless drive is our supposed need to discover and fulfil our potential. Perhaps a worthy cause! However, too often we assume this to mean our ‘outer’ potential – our professional success, material progress and social recognition. Used to constantly comparing ourselves, we feel restless with a peer’s greater progress.

What if the purpose of your life is to explore and fulfil your ‘inner’ potential: the potential to connect with your inner intelligence and align your thoughts and actions with it, to grow your self-awareness and realise your true nature? To discover the reservoir of love and stillness within.

3. Reform the relationship with time

We are also restless because we believe we have a short life and limited time to accomplish our goals. That’s because our perception is invariably restricted to the physical dimension of our being. We naturally consider our life to be finite.

What if our core self, our spiritual being, is on an eternal journey, spanning thousands of lifetimes? Eighty years of this lifetime would then be equivalent to merely a few hours in our soul’s journey. Would you be as pressured for time and as restless in your life then?

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18 Responses to “Nature Doesn’t Rush, Yet Accomplishes Everything: Reflections For The Restless”

  1. Lorraine says:

    Enjoyed your insights and offers a good reminder for me to trust and let the unfoldment takes its course. Connecting with my inner potential is such appealing invite and will continue to do so in my journey. Thanks Rajiv.

  2. Rohit Behl says:

    Soul Stirring and inspiring articles! It appears that these writings comes straight from your heart.

  3. Rajesh nagar says:

    It’s simple thought but explained in a very meaningful way.
    You have made it so clear in a lucid way that we should follow and swim with the nature for a wonderful and abundant life.

  4. Usha says:

    The phrase – trust the universal intelligence – is something that resonates. I call it cooperating with your destiny. Thank you for discussing this topic.

  5. prasad says:

    Hi rajiv,
    I am interested to know how to connect with universal intelligence and give me links pertaining to the articles that throw light on connecting with universal intelligence.
    Thank you

  6. Lesa Michelin says:

    Very enlightening!

  7. Raul Rai says:

    Dear Rajiv

    I love how you articulate the purpose of life being to fulfill one’s inner potential. I love the perspective of looking at eternal journies. These principles are also articulated in our Veda’s and it would be amazing to build a culture at work based on such principles

  8. Kalyan says:

    You cannot buck nature. An enlightened soul (nay, body) then evolves a lot more in one human-being lifetime. What others will need multiple re-births to accomplish.

  9. Neeloferr L says:

    Dear Rajiv, Appreciate all your write-ups. It comes naturally to you. It helps in self-reflection and in self-analysis. The universal intelligence shared is similar to Carl Jung’s concept of universal consciousness he talks of. I am not able to recollect the jargon used . The last lines of the article hit upon the hurried self of mine.

  10. Ravi Dargan says:

    Dear Rajiv,
    Loved going through the article , it has a very calming effect , as you move with the lines every word makes that soothing effect on your brain. In the present time of fast pace , social media and instant coffee its good to sit back once in a while for self realisation, do we really want what we are running for ? This article helps you think and channelize of your thoughts. Thank you Rajiv.

  11. B S Vasantkumar says:

    Excellent insight into the workings of mind, vis-vis universal intelligence and journey of soul.

  12. Kapil Kumar agarwal says:

    Rajiv, reading your these insights is so liberating & deeply soothing. I get into kind of trans as I take my attention/awareness to my deep core inside me searching for my Being & inner intelligence. I can feel it & want to stay at that. A lingering doubt comes that is it not again the play of mind? Pl help.
    Warm regards.

    • Rajiv Vij says:

      Thank you for your comments Kapil, appreciate it!
      Not sure I understand your question – yes wanting to stay at that stillness within is a desire of the mind. We crave for pleasure experiences and are averse to unpleasant ones. As you long as we don’t get attached to that state but follow the path towards it, it’s wonderful. Hope this helps…

  13. Ashok Garg says:

    Dear Rajiv,
    It is a subtle subject that when we surrender to all pervading power of God almighty, things work out beautifully. This can be done only with complete faith.